Sustaining progress towards being malaria free during a COVID-19 pandemic: Learning from Malaysia
Zoom Webinar

COVID-19 has placed a strain on health systems globally. Last March 2020, APMEN held a session at an early stage in the pandemic, where we explored how countries in the Asia Pacific region were going about sustaining malaria services despite the nascent health crisis of COVID-19. A year on, as we are still very much dealing with the pandemic and rolling out the vaccine progressively, we take stock on the region’s ongoing challenges and successes in keeping malaria under check. 

We dedicated this APMENxChange webinar to explore how near elimination country – Malaysia sustained zero indigenous case despite the pandemic. This session was attended by 97 policy makers and implementers from government and non-government organizations, colleagues from donor, UN and private sectors and experts from academic and research institutions from across the world to learn from Malaysia and other countries in Asia Pacific on how they have been adapting malaria interventions to emerging health challenges and keeping malaria services on track as they strive to achieve their elimination targets. 

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