Community contribution to malaria elimination: What do we expect, and what is realistic?

Rural communities carry the heaviest malaria burden by far. Everyone involved in malaria control is aware of the need for community involvement in achieving malaria burden relief, and entire tomes have been written on how to conduct community engagement. But we need to remind ourselves what communities can do to alleviate the malaria challenge and how they can support the goal of Elimination…and we need to be realistic in what is possible and what is not realistic in terms of Elimination via communities. This webinar explored perspectives in how communities can help themselves to reduce the burden, and what their role is in malaria elimination. 


  1. Dr Suparat Phuanukoonnon, Lecturer, Department of Social and Environmental Medicine, Faculty of Tropical Medicine, Mahidol University, Thailand 

  1. Josselyn Neukom, Senior Vice President, SwipeRx; and CSO Representative to Regional Steering Committee, Regional Artemisinin-resistance Initiative 

  1. Dr Bart GJ Knols, Co-founder, Dutch Malaria Foundation, MalariaWorld; and Managing Director, K&S Consulting 

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